söndag, februari 03, 2008

Arkitektens roll på riktigt

Den här podcasten spelades in i Dec -07 men släpptes genom SOA Consortium alldeles nyligen. Panelen består av tre Enterprise Architects som ger sin syn på sin egen roll, deras respektive företags SOA och BPM strategi. Mycket utlämnande av hur arkitekter arbetar med dom stora frågorna.

User Panel:
EA practitioners will look at the links, synergies and differences between SOA and enterprise architecture. How does SOA fit into the EA picture? How can it help make EA more valuable? Does SOA need to be part of a broader EA? Hear from the panelists -- their firsthand experience and lessons learned.

Richard Soley, Executive Director, SOA Consortium; Chairman and CEO Object Management Group
Nicholas Gall, VP Distinguished Analyst, Gartner

Todd Biske, Senior Enterprise Architect, Monsanto
Bill Conroy, Head of Enteprise Architecture Division, Bank of America
Sam Vetto, Enterprise Architect, The Hartford

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